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Environmental concern is a part of everyday life at Pimai Salt Co.,Ltd., which is evident from the many trees, rice fields and other crops growing in the immediate vicinity of the plant. The company employs the policy of a zero-discharge for water, recycling process water that is used in brine production and employing modern water cooling facilities. Finished brine caverns, utilized as the places for solid repository where it is entirely isolate from the biosphere. This is to ensure that the soil remains pollution-free, and the large freshwater reservoir used by the plant is teeming with aquatic life. The plant?s strong commitment to environmental protection and sustainable use of resources has been recognized with ISO 14001 environmental management certification from Socotec Certification. The company has also received the Best Standard Mining Company Award from the Ministry of Industry.

Environmental Problem and Bioremediation

On October 22, 2016, Pimai Salt Co., Ltd. by the management and staff members donated salts and preserved food to the representation of Pha Lad Forest Protection Unit.
Environmental Problem and Bioremediation
"rock salt to salt licks for wild animals project" to make salt licks
August 8 (Friday) 2008
November 14, 2007 Harvest Ceremony
on April 8, 2013 Pimai Salt Co.,Ltd. and NE. (1992) Co., Ltd. jointly donated salt 10 tons for make salt marsh for wildlife animals at Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary
Rice growing ceremony on 17 July 2007
Manager and employees of Pimai Salt Plant join with local authorities prefect and leader of Pimai District in trees planting (1,000 trees) for increasing green area
Manager and employees of Pimai Salt Co.,Ltd. and Thai Refined Salt Co., Ltd. have planting trees (500 trees) for increasing green area on concession of Pimai Salt area.
Manager and employees of Pimai Salt Co.,Ltd. and Thai Refined Salt Co., Ltd. have planting trees (500 trees) for increasing green area on concession of Pimai Salt area.
Manager and employees of Pimai Salt Co.,Ltd. Joint to planting trees (500 trees) for increasing green area on concession of Pimai Salt area. On the occasion of World Environment Day June 5, 2017.
Manager and employees of Pimai Salt Co.,Ltd. have planting trees (400 trees) for increasing green area on concession of Pimai Salt area
Manager and employees of Pimai Salt Co.,Ltd. joint with local communities leader of Pimai District have planting trees (500 trees) for increasing green area on concession of Pimai Salt area.
Manager and employees of Pimai Salt Co.,Ltd. joint with local communities leader of Pimai District have planting trees (500 trees) for increasing green area on salinity land of Pimai Salt area. On the occasion of World Environment day
Pimai Salt Co.,Ltd. donated 1 ton of salt for make salt licks to extend their support to “Rock Salt to Salt licks for wildlife animals program” at Pang Sida National Park, Sa kaew.
Pimai Salt Co., Ltd. donated 1 ton of salt to make salt for wildlife animals with follow the Project “Rock Salt to Salt licks for wildlife animals program” at Pang Sida National Park, Sa kaew
Employees of Pimai Salt Co.,Ltd (PSC) making salt licks for wild animals. The Employees making salt licks for wild animals., Pimai Salt Co., Ltd. joint project “Rock salt to salt licks for wild animals”.
Employees of Pimai Salt Co.,Ltd (PSC) making salt licks for wild animals. Pha Kradas Forest Protection Unit, Khao Yai National Park.